Private Reiki
60-80 min | $70

Group Reiki
60-80 min | $25
per person

Typically includes 10-20 minutes of arrival, 40 minutes of Reiki and 10 minutes of acclimating/returning. Please wear comfortable clothing and bring water. You are invited to bring a journal. Music and essential oil offerings available.

2-3 hrs | $50 per person

Participate in specialized workshops focused on diverse wellness aspects, such as stress management, mindfulness, and more.
Some workshops available:
Mindful Moments
> Celebrations
> Rest & Restore

To schedule a workshop with your friends or loved ones, contact Christine and we’ll begin to design a lovely event.

Individual Coaching
75 min | $100

Coaching is a tailored one-on-one session designed to navigate through your unique wellness journey. Together we will set intentions, clear your path to opportunity, joy and purpose.

Some benefits include:
Relieve stress & anxiety
> Become aware of your inner voice & trust your intuition & the process of healing
> Explore & understand the tools of MINDFULNESS
> Set up and follow a plan for self-care
> Remove energy blocks & balance your energy body
Every session ends with relaxation and REIKI. Multiple sessions are recommended.